I take my voice for granted. Seriously. I pin so much on it, with my chosen major being theater, with my massive quantities of improv, and the huge chunk of time I spend singing, and I just don't take care of it near as well as I should considering how much I use it and what I use it for. Shame on me! I need to do better in the future. At any rate, we didn't talk about finals so much today because my only class was German and I haven't missed a single class and have the choice to opt out of the final. Hmmmm.......I'll have to see what grade I'm getting before I decide, but what a luxury! I did spend some time working for my voice and speech final, however. That one will be tricky. I have to adopt another person's accent and deliver a monologue in it. Yikes! I already know the monologue, though, so hopefully I can work the rest into place. I had music practice at church tonight. Funny how microphones are so intimidating if you're not used to them.....it feels like a natural extension of my hand at this point. After church I went to Shannon's and practiced music with her. We have a paid caroling gig this Saturday (YES.) which is just too much magic sauce for me to contemplate. I love being paid to do what I love! Lucky me!
I can't remember about finals that much at JCCC. But when I was at KU, the finals I got to opt out of were the ones in Fiction Writing 1&2, Poetry Writing 1&2, and Playwriting 1. I got to opt out of them because there wasn't a final in the class anyway...but they were the one's I wanted to have a final for! UGH!
Oh well, that's in the past.
You can opt out of finals now?? What is the criteria for that? More importantly, why was this not allowed when I was in school?
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