Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Sparkly and productive, that's me!

My final final was this afternoon. Hooray! I celebrated by selling my books back to the school, taking advantage of the free H1N1 shot clinic the school offered, making sure I was good for Spring with the financial aid department, then pre-ordering all my books. Aw yeah! There's no stopping butter when it's on a roll! (Yeah, I dunno. Shaddup.) This afternevening (it was five-ish. You tell me what time of day that is!) we had a bonus Project Improv rehearsal in preparation for our show this Friday. Everyone's getting excited and the energy in the room was palpable! We ended up having a fantastic rehearsal and everyone played for keeps! Hooray! I love that we instilled the improv bug in people who have previously never even tried it, and it's taking hold! They have come so far in the short time we've been doing this, and this is my first time trying to teach..............anything! (Formally, that is) For a task I feel so ill-fitted to it has really been a treat to watch them grow and come to love the art form, knowing I was one of the hands that guided them there.

1 comment:

David said...

Break a leg in your show!

Through out the year, I would usually call 5pm to be Rush Hour.