Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Dream a little dream of me

I take my voice for granted. Seriously. I pin so much on it, with my chosen major being theater, with my massive quantities of improv, and the huge chunk of time I spend singing, and I just don't take care of it near as well as I should considering how much I use it and what I use it for. Shame on me! I need to do better in the future. At any rate, we didn't talk about finals so much today because my only class was German and I haven't missed a single class and have the choice to opt out of the final. Hmmmm.......I'll have to see what grade I'm getting before I decide, but what a luxury! I did spend some time working for my voice and speech final, however. That one will be tricky. I have to adopt another person's accent and deliver a monologue in it. Yikes! I already know the monologue, though, so hopefully I can work the rest into place. I had music practice at church tonight. Funny how microphones are so intimidating if you're not used to feels like a natural extension of my hand at this point. After church I went to Shannon's and practiced music with her. We have a paid caroling gig this Saturday (YES.) which is just too much magic sauce for me to contemplate. I love being paid to do what I love! Lucky me!


David said...

I can't remember about finals that much at JCCC. But when I was at KU, the finals I got to opt out of were the ones in Fiction Writing 1&2, Poetry Writing 1&2, and Playwriting 1. I got to opt out of them because there wasn't a final in the class anyway...but they were the one's I wanted to have a final for! UGH!
Oh well, that's in the past.

Steaming bowl o' Calderone said...

You can opt out of finals now?? What is the criteria for that? More importantly, why was this not allowed when I was in school?