Sunday, May 31, 2009


Busy, busy, busy day. Back to back to back commitments. I love days like this. We went to church in the morning, followed by a lunch and set up for VBS, followed by a rehearsal for Sketchy Thoughts, followed by a birthday dinner for a friend of ours. Here's a picture of the girls on one of their horses. I took two pictures, this one that has a good shot of the girls and a not so good shot of the horse, and another with a good shot of the horse, not so good of the girls. I chose wisely, I think. There was volleyball and horseback riding, not to mention good friends, good food, and good times. Probably the best part of the evening was when I was talking with Christy about something and she laughed, then sighed and said, "Okay. Time for me to milk a goat." Best sentance ever.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Tracking Device

Leigha got to compete in a track meet today. She had a lot of fun and it took me back to my junior high days. Unfortunately, Brianna was being a squirrely pain in the butt the whole time, but then, that just takes me back to my adult life days............*cough* Anyhow, Jason's mom came up and we tiled the bathroom floor. It's so pretty! I need to do the grout in a couple days, but it's pretty even without being completely finished. Tiling took up a large portion of the day and Jason and I had thought to take the girls to a baseball game this evening, but I was too zonked to even think about it by the time evening rolled around. Some other time, perhaps. Now, if you'll excuse me, Jason and I are going to re-watch Shaun of the Dead. (Wicked!!!!!!!)

Friday, May 29, 2009

Natural History

We took the girls to see Night at the Museum 2 today. I enjoyed the first one......the second one was better. Seriously, most sequels could learn from this one. There was an epic battle between Ben Stiller's character and a security guard at the Smithsonian that was probably one of the best comedic scenes I've ever seen performed. Really, it was. After the movie was over we got coffee for us and a Jones Soda for the girls and just walked around. Kansas City Summer evenings are just amazing. I have never understood people who prefer dry heat, I like me some humidity. Not the "my t-shirt just became a form fitting body casing and I feel like I'm walking through a wet sweater" kind of humidity, but the "gentle evening breezes that feel like light kisses on your skin" kind. Evenings here cool off just enough to get that brand of special goodness. See? This is the kind of magic those of you who just look at the pictures and don't read the blog entrys miss. I'm going to type with my eyes closed now. dsfsskjldsf. In your face.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Tonight was the debut of Anomaly Orange! We gathered at the Westport Coffeehouse, warmed up, and Rubber Biscuit Brigade took the stage with short form, there was a short intermission and then we were up. It's funny how your mind works while onstage. Everything seems to slow down and you see things more clearly while you're there, but once you leave the stage it all fades into a blur, like you've been in a trance. I'm sure that's just the improv gene kicking in. Mostly I remember a lot of bacon jokes from tonight. (Is there anything that bacon can't improve? I mean, seriously! It's magic!) Jason and the girls came and had a great time. I wore that gray fedora onto the stage then put it on Leigha's head so it wouldn't fall off. I'm glad they were in the front row. I was hugged and congratulated within an inch of my life. I'm so happy to be able to have the opportunity to do the things that I love. Congratulations to all in AO, can't wait to keep playing with you all!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Do we really NEED the truth about them?

We've been dogsitting for Tiffany's parents while they are in Europe visiting her. They watched the kids while I was there in February, it was an even trade. Needless to say, Spartacus is slightly less than thrilled that she's around and it's been making for some HILARIOUS mini drama in our humble abode. He's been sitting in higher up places recently, trying to let her know who the true king of the castle is. Holly, being a dog, is completely oblivious to the fact and has pretty much ignored his rudeness and thinks he's playing when he bats at her or whatever he's does to show his disdain for her presence. The funniest part about the whole thing is that they are roughly the same size, both have pointy ears, and they are both black and white. Sometimes if you just glance you can't tell which is which. Awesome. Anyhow, this picture is a perfect encapsulation of their dynamic.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Jason and I had a great day with the girls today. The weather was perfect and we spent a good amount of time out and about then came home and hung out on the deck for a while. There's nothing like a good old fashioned decking. This evening was a technical rehearsal with Anomaly Orange. Our first show is Thursday and we went to the Westport Coffeehouse Theater so Hans could work the board and whatnot. It was a pretty decent rehearsal. Not TOO good, thank goodness, or I'd worry about the show. (you know, bad dress rehearsal, good show, etc.) In the circle, left to right is Jen, Tom, Denton (who is about to give us notes on how we did, dun dun duuuunnnn!), Brandon, Zak, Joe, me, and Clay Morgan, who will be our monologist for the show. I'm excited about it. This group has massive potential.

Monday, May 25, 2009

She's a Lei-dy

We went to Jenny and Jason's this evening. My Jason is teaching Jenny the guitar, or at least a specific song on the guitar. We also brought over Guitar Hero and jammed virtually for a bit. While we were there Brianna and Tommy got into the leftover party supplies from the other day, with hilarious results. I had a few great pictures of the two of them together, but Tommy is potty training so pretty much all he was wearing were the leis and underoos. Not particularly internet friendly. So here's a picture of my psycho kiddo sporting all the leis her tiny neck could physically support. Yup.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

No soda for me, thanks.

This morning after church we grabbed some lunch, ran to Lowe's for supplies, then headed back to the house for more bathroom work. It's coming along, slowly. We're just about ready to paint, then all that's left is tiling, trim and then, oh yeah, sinks, cabinets, and toilet. (knew we forgot something) Considering the fact that we ripped it down to the studs, that ain't bad at all. I had a rehearsal for Sketchy Thoughts this afternoon. We're performing in a cancer benefit show next month so we're polishing up old stuff and creating new stuff. I won't tell you exactly what's going on in this picture, other than the fact that Matt is playing music on the laptop he's holding to seranade Nick (holding the can of spray paint) and Clay. There's just nothing at all like getting together in the back room of a theater and strategically placing cardboard boxes and folding chairs and saying stuff like, 'Okay, so that's a tree. Can somebody pretend they're the sun for me?' (not what's happening in this picture, but you get the idea.) Ah, acting. We worked on the bathroom all afternoon and into the evening, at which point Jason's mom began working on specialized detailing and shooed us out of the house, having heard we had been invited to a friend's house for poker. I think she just wanted the kids out of the house, honestly. Who can blame her?

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Getting Plastered

We spent all of today working on our bathroom. Alllllllll of today. We ripped apart the insides of it a couple months ago with the intent of fixing it all in a short, two week span, but then Jason's mom got injured and we had to put the project on hold, meaning our upstairs bathroom was in shambles and we've been having to run downstairs every time we have to tinkle. But I digress. Jason's mom is nearly fully recovered now and except for some stiffness you'd never be able to tell anything ever happened! (Yay!) So, gracious woman that she is, she came up this weekend to help us put our bathroom back together. So today was all about the spackle. Aw yeah.

About the picture.........sometimes I just get hungry. Shaddup.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Happy summertime!!!

Today marks the beginning of Summer! Or at least it's the first day of Summer break as far as Leigha's school district is concerned. To celebrate, I have decided to reprise my popular photo blog. One picture per day, every day this Summer. Yay Summer! Today the girls and I made the cake Brianna won in the cake walk at school, which was quite yummy. This evening we were invited to Jenny and Jason's house for some food and whatnot. Apparently it's become a tradition that any time I want to start a photo blog their picture has to be there on the first day of it. *shrug* Weird. Either way, enjoy, and I'll be seeing you this Summer!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Let them eat..........RUN!!!!!!!

Recently, we went to the school carnival. We ate food, the girls did the bouncy castle thing, we played games, and the girls won prizes. Brianna also won the cake walk. Where's the cake? Look in her arms, she's holding it. Do it yourself cake! How funny is that? I decided we would make it together sometime this weekend. That is, until................

Saturday night I had two shows......ish. The 7pm show, in which our longform turned into a spontaneous musical, even though we've never practiced an improvised musical. (I've been wanting to try it out for the past year!) The 9pm show (the 'ish' part of the first sentance) was the improv jam. We have this great crowd of regulars that come for the jam, and they always invite us back to their place after the show. Jason and the girls came to the house with me for a bit, and the whole time we were there, the wife kept trying to feed my girls cake and I kept saying no. She ended up sending us home with a plateful for today. (aw, sweet of her!)

Today Jason was mowing the back yard when our neighbor (we have awesome neighbors) motioned for him to come to the fence, so Jason did. Apparently they had just made cake (they do it all the time, apparently) and didn't want the rest, so they gave it to us. It was still warm when Jason brought it in! Mmmm! So I doubt we'll be making Brianna's DIY cake for a while.....oh well. Maybe I'll save it for Leigha's last day of school (which is next week!). Now, for good measure, here's a picture of Spartacus, because he sat on my lap the whole time I was writing this: