Thursday, December 17, 2009

I'll be in my bunk.

I could not have chosen a more perfect day to go Christmas shopping on the Plaza. It was nearly 50 degrees today! Gorgeous! And uncharacteristically sunny for the Midwest in December. I did pretty good, too. Yay! I met up with Eric and Dustin for lunch so we could talk about the setlist for New Year's. We had fun discussing the hypothetical possibility of replacing us with 'Rock Band' and playing 'Sweet Child of Mine' at the Christmas service. Nice. Brianna got to celebrate her half birthday at school today. Quite an ingenious setup to deal with all the kids who have Summer birthdays.....although in Bri's case her half birthday would fall on the day after Christmas, so she'll never be able to celebrate her real HALF birthday in school either! We got to send treats to school. Bri demanded cupcakes. We sent cupcakes. She came home with a 'It's my 1/2 Birthday!' sticker on her chest. (the '1/2' written in with sharpie) She walked in the kitchen and nonchalantly ripped it off and started to throw it away. Jason said, "Whoa, Bri....don't you want to save that?" She rolled her eyes and said, "Daaaaaaaaaad, I wore it all day and it's ripped. Right there." And then she threw it away. Not sentimental, that one.

1 comment:

David said...

When I was in second grade, we did a thing that was like that. Only it wasn't 1/2 birthday. It was summer birthday people got one day out of the school year to celebrate their birthday and get cards and bring treats and what not. I enjoied it at first and then it just all felt really weird.