Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The white stuff

The girls are hoping for a snow day tomorrow, so they went to bed with their pj's on inside out (and Brianna's are backward........for good measure?) and a spoon under their pillows. I am hoping for a not snow day. I'm taking no special precautions unless you count the fact that I'm doing homework in bed. We'll see who comes out ahead tomorrow, I guess.


David said...

The precautions the girls are taking are something I've never heard of before. (Spoons?)

I would have loved a snow day when I was going to JCCC so I wouldn't have to drive. But they didn't start closing the school all the time it snowed until I went on to KU. Then KU never canceled so I'd have to drive all the way to Lawrence and back in the snow. This is why I have a "snow, go **** yourself" atitude towards snow.

sugarbumkin said...

I grew up in California. My attitude on snow being dumb is based on that.

Anonymous said...

Please explain the PJs & spoons, this is new to me. We didn't need any for the 16 inches we got this week! CB