Sunday, March 30, 2008

Kansas City Improv

Okay, so everyone in the Kansas City improv scene posted blogs stating the best and worst things about the scene here. Seeing as how I'm not terribly experienced and certainly don't have big enough picture to truly comment about such things, I don't have a lot of room to say much, but........

Best-New players are discovering improv all the time! Myself included! We are taking our first tentative steps into this big beautiful world, much like Bambi, and discovering it in all it's glory.

Worst-There appears to be a lack of training in this town, unless you were lucky enough to discover improv in high school, and we don't have many sources with which to draw mentorship from, much like Bambi after his mother was shot. It is a little difficult to find your place amongst the highly experienced and uber talented when you're just beginning, and at times it makes one feel unwelcomed. (Fortunately there are some out there who encourage and draw in improvlings such as myself)

Just this newcomer's humble thoughts on the matter, pretty much the only angle I can clearly see to comment on.