Monday, December 7, 2009


If I had my choice, this picture would have been exactly what I did today and nothing more. Unfortunately, it would be a lie to tell you that it's an accurate depiction of Jessica's Monday, so allow me to have a picture of my wishful thinking if nothing else. I felt awful today. I didn't sleep well at all last night and woke up feeling sick and sore, but as mentioned previously.....several times.......we're coming into finals week now. I can't afford a break just yet. One last push and I'll be fine. Today would have been just great if I hadn't been feeling so ickable, in fact. We got to watch a movie in German class today, which was great! I have the choice whether or not to opt out of the final, but I haven't made up my mind yet. We'll see what my grade is I guess. I also did some studying for a Western Civ test (tomorrow morning) and I feel pretty good about it. These last few readings were pretty easy compared to some of the stuff we'd been reading, so it should be a pretty simple thing to knock this one out of the park. I did some homework this evening, like a good girl, before finally indulging myself in watching some episodes of The Office with Jason. Thank you, Netflix, for being an enabler.


David said...

FIRST: Out of curiosity, have you ever watched the German version of Hamlet in class? I only know it exist because of the MST3K episode.
-"There's the rub."
-"I knew I had some rub around here somewhere."

SECOND: I always hated when you had to wait last minute to find out how your grade was doing in class. When I was in Intermediate Spansih 2 at KU, I was ranked 18 out of 18 students in class at the end of April...little time to improve that (I spelled improv at first. =D) but enough time to improve my own personal grade some...I went from a 58% to about a 65% by finals. I passed at least.

THIRD: This finally posted as I was reading someone else's blog. So I was logged in and got to read it tonight!

sugarbumkin said...

1.Nope, haven't seen it except when I saw the title on an MST3K DVD. :-D Love that show.

2. I always 'unintentionally' spell improv. Makes me smile too. :-)

3. Wow, people don't usually out-awake me. Congrats!