Happy Halloween, y'all! Here's my little Hannah Montana and butterfly faerie princess proudly standing behind the pumpkins they so painstakingly designed yesterday. (Awwww!) Not much to say about today than the ordinary.........the girls went trick or treating and wore costumes, but usually they wear funny clothes and beg for goodies too, so when you think about it, Halloween is simply a slightly ramped up version of normal childhood. *holds up an imaginary glass of water* To childhood!
It's bad luck to toast with water... imaginary or otherwise. :-/
I don't know about Carl's personal expierence, but all the times that I've ever toasted someone with water, it's worked out just as well toasting them as toasting with champaing (please pardon the spelling, I'm physically unable to drink the stuff).
Bad luck or not, toast is toast and I was out of imaginary bread.
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