Saturday, October 17, 2009

Let the record show that Jen has new contacts in.

We had a poorly attended yet fun show in Lawrence tonight. Lately the realities of being a hardcore artist are making me smirk in the extreme. Tonight was one of those 'We almost made enough money to cover the cost of chair rentals, whoopie!' kind of nights. The good news is that we have a pretty good troupe nest egg and two shows later this week, so we should be able to make up for it. We decided it would be a good idea to make up for the small audience by having pumpkin pancakes at IHOP after the show. Here's a picture of Jen wearing her compassionate face and saying something to Carl while Hans tries to eat his own beard, apparently.

P.S.-doing a show sick=INTERESTING experience.


Inky Neverwhere said...

It is SO weird to see myself without glasses...

Well, we had fun tonight, and you looked fantastic, and that's all that really matters! ;-) Hope you feel better.

sugarbumkin said...

So it's true! Everyone DOES wait breathlessly for me to post my blog before going to sleep! Awesome!