Sunday, October 11, 2009

I do homework in the bathtub.

Today was the very last day of the show, yay! It's over! Immediately after the last audience members left we struck the set and I made the dressing rooms all pretty. The girls, meanwhile, were picking out pumpkins with their fellow Girl Scouts. This picture is MUCH more interesting than one of me on my hands and knees covered in set sawdust, patrolling the ground for wayward screws. They came home with four pumpkins (Yeah......Bri got the green one. *shrug*) and went to Jenny and Jason's house for Trent's eighth birthday party (wow, seriously? Eight?) I finished up at the theater and met up with them there. Coming back to your family at the end of the day is a wonderful feeling. Coming back to your family at the end of the day, surrounded by friends and immediately being handed two slices of pepperoni pizza....well, that's just gravy.


David said...

Bri going for the one that's green shows charicter, I think.

sugarbumkin said...

Oh yeah. That girl is SPECIAL. Not helmet special, but save the world with bacon special.