Thursday, October 15, 2009

Alvin, Simon, Theodore

Tonight was the first Project Improv meeting. We had a rather small turnout (it's fall break. We chose the WRONG week to start. Oh well.) but it was a blast! Those who did show up played hard and well! For such a beginner group they were really talented! Halfway through the evening we took a break and Tom and I were discussing what games to play next and I heard a giggle, turned around, and saw Tim, Laura and Whitney like this peeking around the door. "We weren't sure if we could come in or if you were talking about us." Hee hee, it was really funny. All three of them are in my Voice and Speech class so it was weird seeing them in an improv setting, but it was an absolute blast as well. Can't wait until our next get together, and hopefully at that point we'll catch those who are out of town this week!

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