Saturday, October 10, 2009

Thor was here

Oh man! I had THE busiest day today. I had a lot of driving to do as well. Fortunately for me, my car decided to break down, though. Yay! Oh.......wait, that's the part I'm NOT happy about. However, the good news is, it was a part that cost $200 and was completely hubby fixable. Score! So I got to feel like an invalid as people shuttled me around all day long. Thanks, dear friends, for you copious amounts of awesome! *blows a kiss* I love you all! The crown jewel on my day, though, was the Improv Thunderdome Championships! Yeah! Everyone played hard and represented their teams well, and in the end, Your Mother Called walked away with the well deserved belt. Thanks to Mike Jimerson for posing for me! I think it's really cool that they won because when they played the first time around Janina was in town and we all came to see that round of Thunderdome. What's more, most of us voted for them! Like I said, very well deserved.

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