Friday, November 6, 2009

For only 15 minutes a day you can feed an artist

Today was one of those rare days when everything aligns just so and BAM! Perfect day. Love it! It began with yoga, moved on to coffee, a great class session in German, wonderful time with my family, and closed out with a bang, a performance arts piece hosted by 'Andy Warhol' with brilliant, beautiful, moving, and creatively inspired pieces. Even the weather complied beautifully! If I took any tiny bit of today and placed it anywhere in any given day of this year, that day would be considered a good day. Seriously, even if it was a fictional day in which the ceiling caved in while I was in the bathroom and the only way my rescuers could find me would for me to scream N'Sync's entire discography at the top of my lungs for eight hours until they pulled my bruised pruny body out of the tepid bathwater it would be good!

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