Tuesday, November 17, 2009

If only it were Tuesday

I forgot it was Tuesday until Jason said, 'Okay girls, time to get your shoes on, we have to get to girl scouts!' Oh yeah. Tuesday. How odd to not have rehearsal tonight. Fortunately for you, I had plenty of exciting adventures to take pictures of today...............erm.........either that or the highlight of my day was when Jason and I went to pick Leigha up from the school when her meeting was over and found a piece of artwork by a kid whose first name was Eminem (seriously? SERIOUSLY?) Yeah. Fun to laugh about, not so much with the picture taking opportunityness. The day was just fine, honestly, but it's amazing how no rehearsal makes Tuesday kind of a wash in the 'interesting things to take pictures of' spectrum. Enjoy this picture of me looking bored and lonely without the benefit of a hipster outfit to at least make me retain a semblance of coolness. Think of it as a study in irony.

P.S.-I am feeling SUPER duper snarky at the moment. It happens. Enjoy!

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