Saturday, March 5, 2011

Hurry, hurry, hurry, before I go insane!

Today was the surgery. As they were taking my dad back, I gave him a hug. The place where the doctor had signed his initials (so they could be sure of which side the tumor was on) happened to brush my cheek and it transferred. I decided to leave it on my face the whole time. The waiting room was like a big party, everyone talking and laughing, and Janina and I colored a big poster for my mom's library. Finally, finally they came back and told us they got it. A tumor the size of a freaking orange. Wowza. By the time he came out of recovery (only an hour and a half or so) he was already cracking jokes, even if he wasn't completely lucid. By any stretch of the imagination. I took some pics of him, but promised him I wouldn't post them anywhere, so here's a lovely picture of me with ink on my face. I am so very, very relieved.

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