Monday, November 9, 2009

Zwanzig Jahre Maurerfall!!!!

Yup, that's a ladybug on my knee, and yes, it's November 9th. The weather has been just beautiful lately! 70 degrees, not too windy for the most part, and mostly sunny! We had a little rain move through this evening, but still! Just gorgeous! I took this picture while I was sitting on the hill at my school, just before German class. Today is the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall, so in lieu of actually studying in the book and such, our teacher showed us pictures, postcards, a Newsweek magazine, and a documentary all about the wall. So fascinating! Communism sucks! Seriously, if I had to live in as beige and gray of an environment as the East Germans did, I'd die. It would not work for me. Yay, capitalism! (wait.......)

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