Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What guilt?

Today I decided to have lunch on campus, since I was in the area early anyhow and have a 2 o clock class. The restaurant they have downstairs was serving a Thanksgiving meal. Mmmm! Good stuff! And cheap! I love the cafeteria at school! Anyhow, I came home after school and did some homework, then Jason and I saddled up the girls and took them to church......for the Thanksgiving dinner. Hey, guess what I forgot was tonight? Dinner? Turkey? You betcha! So I ended up having two turkey dinners with mashed potatoes and stuffing today. Children of divorced parents...........I feel so bad for you right about now. This tryptophan overload thing is a killer!


KCObamacan said...

Turkey lunch made me incapable of eating dinner tonight, and maybe gave me a hiatal hernia. Who decided this was a good idea, JCCC? I have a rather large present to leave on his or her doorstep, sometime tomorrow (I hope).

David said...

I don't get it, Christmas is given about 2 or 3 months while Thanksgiving is given a little over a week before hand for people to begin celebrating.
I mean come on, Christmas gets decoration, music, the month of July ect.
Halloween is given the month of October with the exception Halloween (which now belongs to Christmas), pumpkins, ghost, various monsters, candy, costumes. What does Thanksgiving get?

sugarbumkin said...

*slaps forehead* Oh my. I'm never writing a food-centric blog entry again. :-D