Saturday, November 7, 2009

Brittish Aisles

Today was another amazing day. Not quite as 'one train ride of awesome to amazingsville' but pretty close! I had a meeting this morning at Mildred's coffeeshop in the Crossroads and figured, 'Well, as long as I'm halfway across town I may as well hit that great looking estate sale I saw on Craigslist.' So I drove to the far end of town only to discover that the sale was lame. Card tables and nic nacs? Srsly? Nahthanks. So I called Jason and asked him where the nearest Sally Beauty was. I'd been thinking about dying my hair (you just glanced up at the picture and looked closer didn't you? If not then, surely now) for a while so I decided, "I've got time, let's do this." If you noticed it's darker, congratulations. If you noticed that down in the lower right hand corner you can see a peek of blueish greenish, then you win a fabulous prize! (Well SOME people consider being observant prize enough by itself, sorry if you don't!) Yes, my hair is now black on top, blue-green underneath. I love it so much! Naturally, a 'do this cool deserves a proper showoffage, so Jason and I took the girls to the theater to see the 7pm show of the evening, 'It's Debatable.' After the show I went to see a band that Tom had told me about. He invited several people via Facebook but I was the only one besides him that ended up going. Oh well, we had fun and the band was amazing (Tigercity was the name.....that could be two words, I don't know for sure. I saw both on posters) I feel priveleged to have gotten to see them at a small small venue before they become huge, because they will be.

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