Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What's up, Chuck?

I'm sure I could have taken a better picture today, but this one just felt right. So here you are. I had a really full but laid back day. Just enough stuff on my plate to where it was full but with just enough downtime to where it didn't feel like it. That's a good balance to have, but uncommonly hard to find. Finding it for a day, yeah, I'm good with that. I had a few funny thoughts that occurred to me during the course of the day that I wanted to jot down and put in here, but I didn't get around to it and now they're gone. Ce'st la vie! So as long as I've written about virtually nothing, perhaps I'll just keep this mystery train rolling and tell you nothing else about my day beyond, 'it was sorta full sorta not' which, at this point, is the entire essence of this blog posting.

Oh don't look so disappointed.

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