Thursday, November 5, 2009

In flux

I decided to put up a vid in lieu of a picture today. This is me doing my daily presentation for my voice and speech class today. Everyone else has stood and read their pieces off their papers thus far, not an option I am particularly comfortable with if I have a choice in the matter. Oh, and yes, I do know I accidentally said 'burbled' instead of the correct word 'chortled' at the end of the piece, but if that's what you're going to choose to focus on, go read someone else's blog. FYI, my teacher gave me a perfect 50 points for this. Aw yeah.

P.S.-On this day 54 years ago, the fluxcapacitor was invented. Yes.


David said...

That was really cool! Given the choice between the 2, I think I'd rather perform as well.
Did everyone have to read that or what was the assignment?

P.S. Just think, one more year and it will be 60...
or will it? (ambiguous question since it makes time travel possable and so next year it may not be then).

Unknown said...

Basically, everyone gives a daily presentation during the course of the class. Our teacher assigned us a day at the beginning of the semester and everyone reads something that means something to them. Some people chose to write their own material, some people read newspaper articles, and there were a few poetry readings as well. Entertaining, yes, but everyone just stood there. I don't 'just stand there,' like, ever. For anything. :-D

Anonymous said...

So...what exactly does the Jabberwalky mean to you? CB