Friday, November 20, 2009

Alactric blue

I had a great day. *contented sigh* Everything about today was pretty great, honestly. I had a tremendous yoga session, a yummy pizza for lunch, coffee, and then I went to German class and found out that I had not, as I feared, skipped over a whole section of the test when I went up to answer my verbal questions. Ausgeseichnet! This evening we took the girls to the school to get them vaccinated against the H1N1 virus (which I have affectionately named the 'Heinie') it's not that we're paranoid.........or even worried, but if offered a free shot for the kiddos to keep them safe, we'll take it. Fortunately for them, the school had the shot AND the nasal mist, so they escaped puncture-free! Yay!


notforthelifeofme said...

Why are they junior firefighters?

sugarbumkin said...

They're not. The star stickers said something about being 'I beat the bad bug' or something. *shrug* Made Bri stop whining about not wanting the mist, so I'm not complaining. :-D