Happy daylight saving's time everyone! Hope you enjoyed your extra hour of sleep! I barely noticed mine, personally. Today was exceptionally sunny out so it seemed like a good idea to go ahead and rake the leaves. We have a lot of huge trees in our neighborhood and the leaves go EVERYWHERE. Fortunately, we employ the help of slave labor. Today was one of those weird days where you do lots of stuff but it doesn't feel like it because by the time you get to the end it's like, "Oh.............is it still just Sunday?" It's disorienting to try to smash ten days into one. Fortunately for me, I got an hour's extra sleep last night to help make up for it..........that's why we do that, right?
I would personally be happy if daylight savings time began over the course of 4 weeks with 15 minute intervals each week. A loss of 15 minutes isn't as noticable as a loss of 1 hour.
Still, the day that it ends...which was today...or yesterday...okay, well, last night, I don't mind the extra hour.
Of course, that extra hour for me was spent at the Imp...but that's where I'm happiest so...yeah.
No daylight savings time is the only thing the state of Arizona has going for it. Still not motivation for me to move there. Or visit. Or acknowledge it's existence. Thus negating my comment......
When did Leigha get sooo tall??? CB
It's my fault, really, I keep feeding her. :-D
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