Right......so today I wanted to get to school early and do some work and have a coffee and yadda badabba. I've got all my stuff and I'm walking out the door, do the mental checklist, and shut the door....one nanosecond before my brain reaches the most crucial part of the list, 'Oh yeah, and by the way, your keys are on the counter next to the sink. Enjoy! That's for making me work so hard lately!' Oh shoot..........The good news is I had all my stuff, including my phone. Immediately I call Jason and say, 'Nguh! Meheeba, nishck plehhh!' Translated from hysterical female into English that roughly translates as, 'Darling, I seem to have locked my keys in the house. Could you be a dear and help me out in some fashion? Thanks, you're a peach.' He works about half an hours drive from the house and since there was no obvious point of entry (key under mat, overlooked unlocked back door, etc.) he started out for home. Meanwhile I'm in the backyard trying to see if I can get in Brianna's room through the window. It's roughly 7-8 feet off the ground and just slightly to the left of the deck (which would have been a great way to get in if it was lined up.......) so I did the first logical thing, which was destroy the screen and throw it on the ground. Next I got a building permit and a contractor to help me create a structurally safe tower consisting of a lawn chair and the air conditioning unit. Fortunately my self preservation instincts kicked in before I tried to kick my left leg up over my ear to reach it in the window. I also tried leaping headfirst from the deck into the tantalizingly open window, but alas, my brain has this weird thing that tells me when I'm doing or about to do something stupid, and this time it clicked on and I decided there was no possible way to get onto the windowsill without dying horribly. One painful bruise in a straight line across my midsection later (what? I only hung from the windowsill by the ribs for a very short time), my knight in shining pegleg arrived bearing the key of entry.
Do I feel like a moron? Why yes, why do you ask?
Oh, my goodness! I haven't laughed that hard in a long time!!! Thanks, Jessica for being you!!! love ya, Anita
Only one bruise? That's pretty good... :-)
So, none of your neighbors had a ladder you could borrow?
It's funny, but I can totally see you hanging up there trying to get in. :)
Why, that sounds like classic Jess! I love it!
Yeah, none of my neighbors are at home during the day, it's a total working class neighborhood. Oh, and Jen, I did discover another bruise on my arm today, so unfortunately that ruins my 'only one bruise' statement, but I'd say that yes, for me that's pretty good on any given day, let alone one in which I am (as Jenny accurately envisioned) hanging by my midsection off the outside of my house.
An instant classic tale! Funny!
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