Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Comedy is repetition, comedy is repetition

First day of the Kansas City Improv Festival! Yay! It's 09/09/09 and this is the 9th year we've done this. Yup. As our host, Dennis DuPont said, 'Yeah, we really have been planning this out for nine years.' I'm the assistant stage manager this year (who's manager? Jen!!!) which is actually a lot more fun that I thought it would be. I get to powerwalk purposefully through the Off Center Theatre with a walkie talkie strapped to my hip and say things like, "Okay (troupe x) you're needed in the green room!" Sweet. I also get to run around delivering important messages to people. Tom (he's in the sound booth) said, "Oh, okay, so you're Hermes!" Why yes, yes I am. This picture was taken from backstage, between the curtain and the wall. I'm just that cool.

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