Friday, September 4, 2009

What are you doing? I've gotta go!

Today a gaggle of improvisers, including myself, met up in the Crossroads district to hand out flyers for the Festival (hey, it starts next week!) I love that part of town, there's so much interesting stuff. This shot was taken in an organic farmer's market called 'Bad Seed.' I so have to go back there, it was way cool. Those colorful orbs on the table are all tomatos. Heirloom blends and unusuals, along with the typical reds, and a color chart telling you which are which. Love it! After handing out flyers Trish invited us to her place to watch a movie that is famous for being awful. Awful to the point of being one of the most unintentionally hillarious comedies ever made! It's called The Room. Oh it's bad, it's so bad. I can't stop giggling at how AWKWARD everything was! There were scene where characters would enter a room, have a two minute conversation, and suddenly one (or both ) would say, 'Well, I gotta go. I'm very busy.' The plot was incredibly stagnant. The mom of one of the main characters actually says, 'Yup, I got the test results. It's defenetly breast cancer.' The daughter doesn't react except to say, 'Oh. You'll be fine.' And that's the last time we hear anything on the matter for the whole movie. Yeah.

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