Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Go, go! Fight, fight! Gee I hope I look all right!

I swear this is NOT a magic picture. You will not see a 3D image no matter how hard you cross your eyes and jettison your thoughts into space. (am I the only one those never, ever did anything for?) Nope, this is a picture of theater kids trying to play basketball in a performance space. The basketball is, unfortunately, just out of view, but I promise it's there. Someone found it right before class and immediately captains were chosen and teams picked. I opted to be a cheerleader and roused the teams with such gems as, 'Play adequately and to the best of your ability, go team!' 'Just try not to hurt yourself, go team!' and, 'Score a touchdown! Go team!' Yeah, I'm pretty proud of myself. The best part about all this is that when the instructor came in and saw the chaos happening, he sat back and watched approvingly. I love theater people. AO didn't have rehearsal tonight because the Kansas City Improv Festival starts tomorrow (wow! Yay!) and Jen, Tom and I are working all four nights, so we took the night off. Jason and I decided it would be a great opportunity to stay in with a movie, so we went to Redbox and got Inkheart. Obviously I like the book (and sequels) more, but they did a good job with this one. Hooray!

P.S.-Oh yeah, and Leigha lost another tooth tonight. She's shedding like a cocker spaniel!

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