Saturday, September 12, 2009


I can't believe festival is over now! Today was the last day. All that planning and the weekend went by *POOF!* like that. So worth it. Today was the workshop day. I had Susan Messing (squee!) in the morning and Mark Sutton in the afternoon. It was like a perfect recap of what I learned last year at the Annoyance, but with different information and a better knowledge of how to apply it to my own improv. Jen, Tom and I went for coffee between workshops and the shows, then we rocked the house one last time in our respective backstage positions. (EVERYONE came up and complemented us on an amazing job. Sweet.) This is a picture of two of the members of Der Monkenpickle. The guy on the left is a returning star from last years blog, Mr. Jason Sudeikis (of Saturday Night Live.) No, you're not mistaken, he does have a mustache at the moment. I don't know why, and I wonder if he'll still have it when SNL comes back for the season opener. My Jason (the one who is way more famous in my life. 'Cause he's awesome.) got to come out with me after the show (show itself was completely sold out) and hit the after party. It was wonderful having him there tonight. I wish he could have been there every night, but the girls went with his mom to a horse show today (we get to see tomorrow's events) so we just made the most of tonight. I'm sad the festival is over. I'm happy the festival is over. Mostly sad. It was great.

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