Sunday, September 6, 2009

Please to meet!

Our former music/youth dude came into town this weekend for Rock the Light, so this morning after church a group of us went out to eat with him and his wife. They are seriously stellar people and it was great to see them. Meanwhile, I was seated across from Brittany. Brittany likes to draw a huge 'B' on her food then the rest of her name in teeny letters. Jessica likes to take huge 'B's and turn them into BRITTANYFLIES!!!! This one is especially beautiful. You can tell because if you look closely you see that the top wing is a peacock tail and the bottom wing is the Mona Lisa. (Go ahead. Click on the picture to enlarge it.) The Brittanyfly is accompanied by her friend Vinnie, the vampire cactus. (Having roots: Not, as it happens, a particularly effective way of catching your prey. Huh.)

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