Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Das Kochen macht mir Spaß!

First of all, yes, I am wearing a shirt in this picture. It's a purple tank. Look closely under the scarf. Hokay then! After school today I came home, grabbed the children and threw them in the car, then went to the church. Alanna and I signed up for the Wednesday night meal making for last week, but unfortunately for me I had blindly agreed to the date before realizing that, duh, it was the first day of the improv festival. Nurr! So we switched with someone else and made the meal tonight. I had hoped I'd be able to snap a quick picture during the actual kitchen frenzy, but that's the funny thing about making a casual dinner for 100: you tend to forget things like pictures very, very easily. So after music practice I caught Alanna in the parking lot for a quick high five (we made shepherd's pie and it went over very, VERY well) and a cute picture of her, but creepy for me. It's how I roll.


JMH85 said...

I don't know about this throwing of children...sounds a little dangerous to me.

Unknown said...

Whatever. They like it. Sometimes they say, 'Throw me harder, Mommy! The pain of brain damage is worth the fun!'