Monday, June 1, 2009

Vaycay Beeblay, dawg!

.........And so begins VBS week. The theme for the year is 'If Animals Could Talk.' This is the set for the first lesson. Up in the tree is the serpent and on the dirt part is Adam. (mentally add 'And Eve' and you'll see. Yup, there it is.) There is also a rooster at the base of the tree. Those are all puppets. I got to play Adam today and our pastor was the serpent. I talked to my dad on the phone last night and told him about the pastor's role in the lesson, and he laughed and said, "Wow, typecasting?" Anyhow. The rooms are sooooo cool. I had a small hand in decorating the room the kids go to tomorrow, but today's was my favorite of the five. Today was quite odd. We took Spartacus to the vet for his annual shots and had a conversation about dogs that was hilarious. Somehow we got on the subject of dogs that bite and he said, "You know, the dogs named Kujo and Killer I never have a problem with. But if it's a little white thing named Princess or Angel, you better watch out." (awesome.) I was exhausted when we got home and ended up taking a nap on the couch (weird, very weird for me) and felt blah when I woke up (which is why I don't take naps, like, ever.) so I went upstairs to grab a drink of water and noticed it was umpteen degrees warmer up there, but the air conditioner was on. Greeeeeeeeeeeeat. It just figures that the Summer I decide to let my hair grow out is the summer the air conditioner has issues. To escape the heat we opened all the windows and sat in the basement, and after dinner we went for a walk with Holly. Walking a boston terrier is a little like flying a kite. You point the rope in front of you and let it weave to it's own indecipherable rhythm. We put the kids to bed and I let the dog out to pee, but left the back door open to get some air in the house. I went to do something real quick and I heard a 'Jess, can you help me?' I went outside to find Jason in the back yard with a flashlight. The cat had gotten out and was under the deck, so Jason and I kept trying to lure him toward each other....unfortunately, he was shooing the cat my way and I was shooing him Jason's way. Whoops. Finally we cornered him by the tree near the shed and I was able to pick him up and take him back inside. Victory! I can't blame him for being mad at us, though. He's had a rough day.

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