Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Cleaning, fixing, cleaning, phone call to parents to see where they are (Vail for lunch, Goodland for the night, you say? Cool!) cleaning, fixing, cleaning, cleaning, cleaning. Thank goodness Jen and I made plans for coffee! As you can see we both went for the 'blended ice' beverages. Go figure, it's bloody hot out there! We enjoyed each other's company and Scooters' air conditioning for a good solid two hours. Nice. The even better news is I managed to get the house up to 'semi-presentable' status, even with a half finished bathroom. Bring on the parentals!


Michelle Lee said...

oh yes! you must visit savannah so we can take a picture like this, there are a TON of coffee shops here to choose from.

Unknown said...

Dude, I'm there like a bear with a square on a chair!

Spark*Life said...

Ah my girls!!! I miss you!!!