Thursday, June 4, 2009

Just go ahead now

Today was incredibly.............scattered. Adjectives fail to describe this day, so frazzling was it. I didn't have to do puppets at VBS today so I had one of two choices: I could A. Show up and be a 'floater', meaning hang out at the registration desk just in case someone needed helping hands. (rarely happens........the biggest job the floaters have had this week to my knowledge is running to QT to get everyone sodas) or B. Take the free three hours away from the kids and enjoy my 'me' time. I won't tell you what I did, but incidentally, I have the cutest new top from Old Navy........ Everything in my Summer is chaotic at the moment. I have fifty thousand things to do and they all want to happen within a two week span. Every time I think I have a handle on it, more stuff gets dumped onto my plate, all falling within the 'red zone' of those two weeks. I just can't seem to iron out all the wrinkles and it's driving me to tears. *sigh* Oh well, the good news is with that much to do it'll go by fast...........let's hope I can do it all. This afternoon Alanna and her flock of kiddos came over for lunch. It was nice to have a friend around. The big kids played outside, the little kids played princesses, and the baby ate cat food. Seriously, she pulled herself up to the cat's food dish like it was her own personal buffet or something. Gross. Funny, yes......but mostly gross. The good news is it was designed to be eaten. This is a picture of Brianna and Clara as beautiful princesses. Awwww. Someday they'll be putting this one in a friendship scrapbook, I think.

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