Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Birthday, Brianna! (observed)

Happy father's day to anyone out there who is male and posessing of offspring that they take care of on a consistent basis or have done so for many consecutive years in the past! We celebrated here by grilling steaks and corn like good little Americans. Leigha headed to camp today so before she left, we celebrated Brianna's FIFTH birthday so Leigha could be a part of it. Brianna is going to be heading out with my parents for her annual week alone with the grandparents, so we wanted to be together for the occasion since we can't be on her actual date of birth. It happens when you're a summer baby. In fact, the last time we were actually in town for her birthday was on the day that she was born! After the strawberry shortcake Leigha left for camp and Bri opened her presents (Jason and my dad got gifts as well) before we all chilled out and/or snoozed for a couple hours. This evening my mom, Bri and I went fabric shopping for Brianna's first day of school dress. We all came home and had a light-ish dinner, then headed to Culver's for some ice cream. A lot of people had the same idea, just FYI. We put Bri to bed before watching fireflies for a spell, (ayuh, you heard me) then watched Taken. Good movie. Oh, and it's miserably hot and I am extremely mad at my air conditioner for being stupid.

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