Thursday, July 29, 2010


I took pictures today, and I mean lots of pictures. The improv group Holy Cow! asked me to take some photos of their show as part of this evening's Fringe Festival activities. I agreed and spent the entirety of the show trying to steady the camera through my laughter. I also took some neat shots of downtown, as the sunset this evening was just beautiful. But still, of all the photos I took today, my favorite is little Princess Leigha. She and Bri decided to cut their own bangs a little while back, so I took some scissors and corrected them so they weren't three and a half super short pieces of hair that stuck straight out from their heads, which was the way that they had cut it. Leigha braided her own hair this morning because she likes the way braids look with bangs (so do I.) and I offered to jazz the braids up a bit. I looped them a few different ways and then she said, "Can you make it look like Princess Leia?" Oh yes. this is happening! So I pinned it up in the distinctive 'honeybun' look, then told Leigha to find her favorite squirt gun. I have a feeling that between her and Spartacus my house is a very safe place to live.

1 comment:

Gypc said...
