Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Today Jason and I visited a friend of ours who had a beautiful baby girl the other day. The kids had a blast entertaining Trent and Tommy while all the adults in the room stared at little Emilee and wondered why television was invented when there are perfectly good babies in the world to watch. At any rate, I forgot to get a picture, mostly in part due to the large amount of people in the room at the time. We didn't want to stay too long and get in the way, either. So here's me, simulating a wide-eyed, blanket swaddled baby for your creep-tastic enjoyment. I don't suppose there's much chance in me pulling off the 'cute and cuddly' vibe with this one...Nobody ever says, "Aww, look at the cute little stalker in the bushes! Honey, go get the camera!"

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