Sunday, July 11, 2010

It's like an umbrella for your upper lip!

Jason went down to pick up the girls today. I had a meeting during the day so I stayed behind. My friends have been dying to see me this summer, since being at home is a few and far between thing for me, so we made plans to go to Thunderdome tonight! I met up with Austin, Matt and Sarah at Jerusalem Cafe beforehand and we had a great meal, then we made our way over to the theater. Austin and I had found some fake moustaches in Manhattan so we decided we would wear them tonight. Unfortunately, I couldn't find mine so I made one. Our moustaches were a big hit! One of the improvisers actually came out during the show to borrow mine for a scene. Nice! The show was fantastic, all three troupes had an excellent performance. It was hard to determine who to vote for! New York City Pigeon crew came out the victors, woo! We all went out to McCoys after the show was over and it was a blast.

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