Monday, July 26, 2010


Austin and I have a few friends from school in one of the Fringe Festival shows this year. Well, we have a few friends in several shows, but one that opened tonight, so we went. Since the Fringe is such an overly huge thing here in town, they have to get rather creative about where and when they hold their shows, so Austin and I found ourselves being instructed to go across a parking lot into an alley to the back door of a building, then put on a freight elevator that took us to the third floor, where the performance was to be held. (It was broad daylight and there were official Fringe posters and staffers everywhere. Not to mention this is a new performance space I am familiar with, although I've never had to go the back way in.) The show was compelling and we congratulated our friends afterward. It was so great hanging out with Austin tonight, I think we both needed that. I don't believe either of us feels we've gotten to hang out enough this Summer, so it's nice to be able to catch up when we can.

1 comment:

Gypc said...

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