After church we laundered and re packed our clothing, then went to Grayson's birthday party. He's the son of some friends of ours (from church) and he's turning six! Here's a cute picture of all the kids watching him open presents. It looks like he's about to be eaten. After the cake and presents there was swimming. Fun fun! We left a little early because we were headed somewhere (hence the packing) so we hopped in the car and drove for eight hours, until we arrived in Southeastern Colorado in the little town Jason and I used to live in. Yup. We are staying with our awesome friends Jacob and Carla. Oh yeah, and Jason ran over a poor innocent bunny rabbit on the way here.
Umm so next time I think you should drive a wee few more hours into Visalia, CA and come see me.
I do need to get back there at some point. I miss my Central Caliness!
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