Friday, July 10, 2009


We are a flighty little flock, by nature, and don't stay well whecooped up in a cage for long periods of time. This evening we made our escape! We put an icepack on Jason's knee and went out for some drive through cuisine. Poor guy was just dying to be anywhere other than downstairs. We took our dinner to a local park and enjoyed our freedom, with just enough guilt to feel like we were doing something slightly naughty. You look at fast food differently when you haven't gone anywhere but your basement for the past two days. We also figured out something rather magical: Jason can scoot up the stairs on his butt! Why didn't we think of this before? So I allowed him to come upstairs to sleep in bed rather than on the couch. (hey, back off, I slept in a sleeping bag on the floor next to the couch.) It's amazing the things you can take for granted when everything in your life is cruising along normally.

P.S.-If you look just over my right shoulder you can see Leigha's eye. I'm curious to know what the rest of her face was doing.

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