Saturday, July 25, 2009

Back to creepy

I had another KC improv festival meeting this morning. We've come to the point where there is less descision making and more action in implementing descisions we've made. I can't believe how close it is! I'm excited for it. After the meeting I came home and Chelsea babysat Bri for a couple hours while I took an improv class. When Jason got home we had dinner then began the long and dreaded process of back to school shopping. Yup. Somewhere there's a creepy mountain path leading to a rain drenched ill constructed castle that is consistently backlit by lightning and permanently permeated by the sounds of thunder and mad scientist cackling. Somewhere. We can't do it all tonight because Leigha is still in Nevada and they haven't put out the fourth grade supply list yet, but we needed to get a jump start on things and we had the kindergarten list, so we decided to go ahead and tackle the bulk of that list before they ran out of necessities and we were forced to buy the weird colored markers because Target never stocks more than three of the colors they ask for on EVERYBODY'S list and the parents who scramble at the last minute are forced to buy their kids markers like 'tropical magenta' instead of 'red' like all the other kids have. We also got some extras of things that run out quickly that we just know will be on Leigha's list. I can't believe school is just around the corner!

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