Thursday, July 16, 2009

Karaoke Superstars

This morning we did what we do best: We packed for a trip! We loaded up the car, I did a kid's improv workshop at a library, then we drove down to Oklahoma City for their first ever improv festival! We checked into our hotel then went across the street to a restaurant that served as the kickoff point for the festival. Oh yeah, and it was karaoke night. Yay! This is a picture of Joe Bill (famous in the improv scene) singing 'I want it that way' while a group of Oklahoma 'provers danced in synch (ha ha, I get it.) and sang with him. The first 'dancer' on the right hand side is a guy named Clint. He was in my class last year at The Annoyance and he happens to live in OKC. It's great seeing him again, and I got to introduce everyone to Jason and Bri. Can't wait for tomorrow's workshops!

1 comment:

Steaming bowl o' Calderone said...

Good luck and have lots of fun!