Friday, July 24, 2009

Rites of passage

When Leigha turned five we celebrated the milestone birthday by getting her ears pierced and taking her to her first Broadway musical. Since Brianna turned five in June, it's her turn! We decided not to get her pierced right away, though, since she was going with my parents and I didn't want to say, 'Okay, it's on you to keep her from getting infected. Here's a q-tip.' So we waited until she was back and we were sufficiently between trips so that we can allow for healing time and whatnot. We took her to Claire's this evening (Leigha got to go to Club Libby Lu, but since it closed, I couldn't very well take Bri there, and there's nowhere else in the KC metro I found that's even close that does piercing. Lame!) and she got to sit in the special chair and hold the special bear that doesn't seem to have any kind of special name (perhaps 'Stabby' was taken?) and she barely made a wincing face. Seriously, she didn't even say 'Ouch.' Good girl! We asked her where she wanted to have dinner after and she said, 'Mc Donalds!' So we subjected ourselves to the kids who scream in the play area because their parents never let them out of the house and figure it's okay to allow them to act like b horror movie extras in public when they do let them out of the house. *twitch* That's how much we love you, kid.

Oh, and she chose the pink studs. We were shocked she didn't get the pink flower shaped ones, but she said, 'I want the crystals!' 'They're all crystals, Bri.' 'Yeah, that's what I want. I want the crystals!' 'What color?' 'Crystals!' 'The pink ones?' 'Yeah. Pink. Pink crystals!' *sigh.......*

1 comment:

notforthelifeofme said...

Tell Bri she's working the ears.