Sunday, January 3, 2010

Parental rights

So this morning we got up and went to the airport. Lots of fresh snow on the ground, and on the way into the airport grounds we passed a plane that had slid off the runway and gotten stuck. Yeep! Not a good omen at all. But we sucked it up and boarded a plane to Vegas with the intention of heading from there to Reno, which we eventually made it to...but since everyone starts school tomorrow after Christmas break (except our girls' district, which goes back Thursday) everyone was flying home. We got bumped off a couple flights and spent a good chunk of our day in McCarren. Ew. The good news, though, is they have a Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf there, and we happened to sit near a guy who was playing a clarinet. Really well, too! Sweet. We made it into Reno about 6pm and my parents took us and Lynette out to dinner. I've missed my family. A lot. My dad was trying to say things in German and I got to talk circles around him, which was fun. He laughed then kicked me in the heinie.

Oh, and in case you read this and don't see me often, I'm officially announcing that I got my lip pierced back in November. My parents read this too. I didn't think it was fair for them to find out on the internet. (ooh she's sneaky!)


Michelle Lee said...

LOL! yay! Now the world knows. :) I'm just happy to know I was allowed in on the secret, but even more happy to know that it's not a secret anymore. :-D

sugarbumkin said...

Ha ha! Of course you were! I can't wait to come out to Savanna and go shopping for lip jewelry together! :-D

Michelle Lee said...

oh your going to love this piercing place we have! Tattoo parlors I havn't visited yet, I havn't been impressed with some of the art I've seen, but the piercing only place is great!

btw! check out my daily photo blog.