Sunday, January 17, 2010


Crazy busy day. The theater festival started today so I went to the school for a meeting, did some volunteering work (required as a theater student) then had back to back improv rehearsals. The good news is that improv tonight was CRAZY insane fun. I had a 'Slingblade' voiced character that kept making beef pancakes. (Also known as 'tacos' to some.) Zak rode a fictional device called a 'sledmobile' off the tented roof of Denver International Airport. Seriously, crazy insane fun. Speaking of crazy insane, here is Tom making crazy eyes at Zak. Nice.

Incidentally, if you leave comments now it's going to take me longer to reply, if I ever get around to it. Blogger has just stopped letting me know when I get comments via e-mail. *shrug* I'll see what I can do, but in the meantime, just know that I'm not ignoring you, dear reader.

1 comment:

David said...

First, a comment on your post:
You know, I never get e-mail about comments or anything. I don't know why. Of course, since you just started having this problem, then...yeah...I don't know.
Second: A comment on the picture.
Tom: Zak, I might have to eat you.
Zak: Okay, whatever. But first, check out this ball I just found.