Friday, January 8, 2010


Today was one of those days where ten gazillion things happened so it went by quickly but it felt like three separate days, you know? I spent the day with the girls due to school being cancelled again. I'm pretty sure it was temperature based, since the snow is not a factor any more. They had a girl scout thing tonight that they've been looking forward to for a WHILE now, a stay at a hotel in town that has a water park inside of it. They were leaping out of their pants excited today! Since they were otherwise occupied and Jason had work I decided to take advantage of the fact that I won a free ticket to the Andy Warhol exhibit at Union Station. Andy has always fascinated me. His artistry and ability to view the world in such a unique way is just dazzling. I love that he shared it with the rest of us. After that I headed out to see FFC's 'Best of 2009' show. In reality, it's their second to last show. Tomorrow night they say goodbye forever after eleven years of performing. Tom came out to see it too and brought flyers for KC Crossroads, so we handed them out after the show. Hey, if FFC is disbanding there's no sense in wasting a perfectly good audience, now, is there?

On a happy note, I'd like to close out this entry by congratulating Scott and Jamie on their engagement! Congratulations, you two! Now stop reading this entry and go snuggle on the couch in front of a positively puke worthy romantic comedy or something. (Or go to the go kart track and hold hands as you run seven year olds off the road. Your choice.)

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