Thursday, January 20, 2011

The long climb up mount IKEA

This is a picture of me. Behind me is a 2,600 seat theater. Behold it in all its glory!!! BEHOLD IT I SAY!!!!! Or not, whatever. Either way, that sucker was freaking HUGE. We spent a long day, full of shock and awe, building the set, rehearsing, and then performing. And oh what a performance it was! The cast rocked so hard that the audience whooped for anyone from our school at an awards ceremony immediately following the show (in the same theater. It was supremely funny to watch them try to give out plaques with a sense of decorum whilst surrounded by trash, leaves, and a rusted out truck under a set of train tracks.) Immediately following the ordeal was strike. Full of good energy from an amazing show, we took that whole sucker down in about two hours. Even the union workers standing by couldn't believe how fast we were. That's such a great feeling, though. We came up here for the festival with this show weighing heavy on our minds. The whole trip was leading up to this point, even with all the workshops, parties, and frooh frah, and we nailed it. We did exactly what we set out to do and it felt great. One more day of festival to go...its on.

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