Friday, January 21, 2011


Sean Wooley (Blue and gray baseball tee, ginger) was unhappy to learn that I didn't post a picture of him from a couple days ago in the blog, so I promised him I'd get him on today. So, while a bunch of us were hanging in the pool area I snapped this lovely bromance shot of Phil, Graham, and of course, Sean. Good times. Today was the response for Godspell, so we got to listen to what other professionals thought of our work. Most of it was pretty good, the rest was helpful. We also got to see the finals for the Irene Ryan scholarship, which is a huge huge deal and one of our students was in the running. He didn't get it, but he put up quite a fight. And tonight at the FOUR hour long award ceremony, the Godspell cast and crew was pleased to discover that we had been presented with the 'Golden Handtruck Award,' meaning we had the safest, fastest, most professional set load in and strike of all the other shows. Buh-chinga! I think we all came back to the hotel feeling like winners.

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