Thursday, January 13, 2011


Working diligently, I was able to finish another animal hoodie, this one for my friend Angie Gee. She decided to name the lion 'LeStat.' Nice. The kids finally went back to school today. They were relieved as well, I think, having figured out that school means seeing friends. It's great when you're on break and on occasional days off, but when you expect to go three days in a row and end up makes it not as easy to deal with for whatever reason. It was Jason's day off, too, so we ran a ton of errands that had been stacking up the past few days. Felt good to get them crossed off the list. This evening was the final rehearsal for Godspell before the festival. We will be performing again this weekend before we go and then that's it. The performers were all feeling it too, and unfortunately got reamed in notes afterward. The good news is that a bad dress rehearsal means a good show, so let's hope the old adage holds this time.

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