Monday, January 24, 2011

Just in time

First day of Spring semester for me. I had a rough start this morning, first causing Bri to miss the bus ( really have to prod that one with an iron poker to get started. Leigha wakes up before me no matter how early my alarm is set!) then forgetting that my class started at 10:30, not 11:00 like I kept thinking. I discovered this when I was fixing my 10:12...and my school is a 20 minute drive. Somehow (and because it's a theater class) I made it within the first ten minutes of class and gave my teacher a sickly apologetic smile as I walked in late. He knows me (and because it's a theater class) so he just said, "See? Like I just said. You can communicate so much without words." and the whole class laughed. Perfect timing. I got a few syllabuses (syllabi?) and was putting them into my binder when I realized I still had my notes from a class I took last semester, which a friend of mine will be taking this semester and to whom I promised to pass the notes along to. I am a doodler, so I went back through them and found this picture of 'bacon birds.' Wow. I must have been really really SUPER bored to come up with that. Oh, and sleep tight, America! I have pell grants for part of my education, so your tax dollars directly produced these little monstrosities. *salute* U.S.A! U.S.A!

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